When is customer service available?

Our Customer Service department is Available 9 AM-7 PM EST Monday-Friday to answer your questions by email support and live chat.

How do i know if item is available?

Stock availability is updated regularly. But you can ask on live chat for real time inventory checking.

How do i check the status of my order, return or exchange ?

You can check on the status of your order by clicking on the Order History page in the ‘My Accounts’ section of our online store. Or contact us by email or live chat.

Do you send order confirmations?

Yes, we automatically send you an email confirmation of your order. In addition, we will send you another email confirmation after your order has shipped. If you have not received your confirmation, please double check the email address you provided.

Why is my order delayed?

Orders are generally processed within 24 hours. If your Order Status indicates that your order has not yet shipped but the merchandise is in stock, this could be the result of one of the following:

  • We were unable to obtain a proper credit approval for your purchase
  • We were provided a credit card billing address that could not be verified with your credit card issuer.
  • Sometime products are out of stock as well. so in result knife shipping could be delay for a week..

Please note that it’s important to provide the phone number registered with your credit card issuer when you place your order, so that we may reach you to discuss any problems with your order. We use only verified phone numbers in an effort to further ensure your order’s se

What payment method do you accept?

We accepts the following forms of payment:

  • PayPal
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • American E

What is your return policy?

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your Balisongbutterfly.com purchase you can return the products for a full refund of the purchase price . within 30 days of purchase.

How do i apply for return policy?

To redeem a promotion, simply enter the code you received in the box titled “Coupon code” during the checkout process. Or contact by livechat or email

Do you ship internationally?

Yes! We Shipped Our Knives Worldwide By UPS, FedEx Or DHL


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